Monday, April 19, 2010


Report Cards: You will get your report cards on Friday. Be sure to read the comment I made for your performance in Science. Realize this is your last term at Terry Fox and you really need to try your best to maximize your learning in Science!

READING: Last week we read up to page 295 which means we have read section 1.0

QUESTIONS: Please complete the following questions by Wednesday, April 21:

pg 283 (1-4), pg. 287 (1-4), pg. 294 (1-4) and page 295 (1-9)

VOCAB: Vocab #12 will be assigned on Monday
CROSSWORD: Your crossword puzzle features words from our unit. Please ensure this is complete by Wednesday.
QUIZ: You will have a quiz on section 1.0 on Wednesday, April 23. Study!

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