Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Congratulations on being done one of your PAT's! Be sure to spend time reviewing the material and practicing your skills before the Science unit test. Please read the information below as a guide to your studying.

STUDY TIPS: Re-read the textbook, ensure you are done all review homework, practice calculations for example using the skill practice on page 336, watch videos, review notes on and be sure to try and study with a buddy, testing each other out! Good luck and work hard!

Formulas you need to understand how to use:

Calculating power (measured in watts): p= I x V where
Calculating voltage, resistance, or current from: V = R x I
Calculating % efficiency: %E=output/input x 100

Do you need more practice with these types of calculations? Try page 338 (5-9) and page 363 (2-24)
NOTES AND PRACTICE TESTS/QUIZZES: check out for notes on each section of the unit and also for practice tests/quizzes. Click on "grade 9 science in action notes" or "grade 9 science in action tests" for more practice and notes!

VIDEOS: Do you want to review some material but your feeling a bit lazy? How about watching some of these videos. They are all worth watching but be warned this is not the only way you should spend time reviewing the material.